Butler Polymer Research Laboratory

Undergraduate and High School Research Internships
Student Research Opportunities in the Design, Synthesis, and Processing of Intrinsically Thermally Conductive Macromolecules
Project Description. Macromolecules are conventionally considered to be thermal insulators. Interns selected for this opportunity will work to challenge this historic paradigm. Specifically, high school and undergraduate interns will work to (1) develop synthetic methods to produce thermally conductive polymers and (2) establish processing methods to produce thermally conductive polymer materials in technologically relevant morphologies (e.g. conformal films or monoliths). Throughout this work, the supported junior researchers will gain experience in polymer design, synthesis, and processing. This work will be conducted in the Evans Research Group and Sumerlin Research Group. Students who are considering applying for this opportunity should email Dr. Austin Evans (austinevans@ufl.edu) and Dr. Brent Sumerlin (sumerlin@ufl.edu) to express interest in this program.
Application Link. Applications must be submitted by March 15th 2024 via this link to be considered for this opportunity: https://apps.ideal-logic.com/aeop?key=JKR5-G7ZD1_K9KH-5PTF_7174578e615f
News & Events

Brent Sumerlin receives the 2024 Mark Scholar Award

Amal Narayanan Joins the
Butler Laboratory